Homemade Dish Detergent

I may not be the most economical person when it comes to the dish washing machine. I am always finding myself going to the grocery store and trying to get the lowest price for my dish detergent and rinse. However, I have learned there is a way that you can make your own dish detergent from home. Its super easy and affordable.

Here is what you will need:
Baking Soda

Most likely you already have some of these things in your household.

1 cup Borax
1 Baking Soda (look in your laundry department for larger boxes).
1 Tablespoon Salt
1/4 Cup of Salt.

Mix the ingredients together and then add a spoonful to your load. Wahlaaa thats it. Super easy, frugal, and inexpensive.

I use vinegar for everything! Since we are on the subject of affordable dish detergent solutions, vinegar is another great option for a rinse aid. It's super easy, add vinegar to your rinse solution and that's it. Check on it every now and then to see if it needs more. A small vinegar bottle should last you a while and will usually cost about a dollar.

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